Timer for pre-approval


I guess that everyone has experienced frustration by having guests not confirming after even weeks (I had even a few let me wait months) of pre-approval.

If the pre-approval could have a timer, at least people would be more stimulated to follow up.

90% of guests who contact me to stay at my place never finalize. This is impacting the few other guests who are willing to confirm but are keept waiting because of the ones that are not sure.

If there would be a standard timer after which pre-approval expire, the guest will not take it personally that the pre-approval is removed and will be more prompt to finalize.

Thanks for reading and for voting


I never pre-approve straight away. I reply and say ’ this might be possible, would you like to continue the conversation?'. Only pre-approve when they seem ready to finalise, otherwise there’s no agreement.


I also don´t pre-approve at the first message, and probably nobody does.

It does not change that most pre-approvals are just hanging in the air forever.

Hello cyclorbit

You are the master of your home.
You can decide to withdraw the pre approval when you like in the using the button.
You may also write :
“Your request is pre approved for 48 h not to block other requests”.

As far as i am concerned, i pre approve only when the member confirm that they are ready to exchange.

0 pre approbation in the air so far.

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I also find many problems with engaging hosts, they respond that they would love to host us, we exchange the specifics and niceties, and then I say for them to pre-approve and then I’ll finalize, and then SILENCE! Dead stop. One even let it slip that she’s waiting for an Airbnb opportunity!!! And THAT, is the harsh downside of HE, and probably the main reason that ends our membership one day. I NEVER delay in responding, because I know the grief and aggravation that behavior causes.


Maybe an instant book option could be interesting. Let’s say you have a need to book your place for a specific week and need it done fairly quickly. You could choose instant book with requirements like “at least 5 star”, “minimum of X number of exchanges”. If you pass those or even more options, you can choose to book instantly on selected dates.


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That is terrible and absolutely not how HE exchangers should act, in my opinion …


I don’t think that this idea really corresponds to what makes successful exchanges. There is no ’ booking’ on Homeexchange, rather communicating for finding the good exchange match. This needs time and effort from both sides.


Possibly, but there is nothing worse than exchangers opening their calendars and then not responding. That to me is unacceptable and what makes the site a disappointment frequently.

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I just remind them to pre-approve. If they still not pre-approve in a few days, then I just move on to another search, another exchange, an alternative exchange. Alway open for another alternative. Hope this help. Cheers


That’s the problem, you have to contact 100 hosts to have maybe one potential exchange.

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Members who have multiple requests can choose to who they answer or not. Look at their answering rate before sending a request if it annoys you don’t send it and find an another exchange partner more réactive, we are plenty :slight_smile:

Instant Booking is not the solution at all, HomeExchanging is about communication and sharing, it’s not a rental system

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Agree that that would be extremely helpful feature to add. The first time it happened it was someone “shopping” a hard to find holiday. Weeks and weeks later when they were sol, they asked to book me for less than my required minimum. Preapproval withdrawn. Then they got nasty and I discovered there is no “block” feature. HE told me to just “don’t respond” to their nasty messages. Now I know to cut off preaproval after a week, but I would love that to be automatic.

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Sorry to hear.

Yes, the automatic withdrawal will make us more relaxed about pre-approving and not having to explain every time that a prey approval is not forever.

Please vote for this feature

Instant may not be a solution for you but the ability for a host to offer that should solely be up to them and their needs. HE should provide more options to improve for all and not just turn a blind eye to a clear issue.

This whole thread is about the problem of lack of response but yet you choose to ignore it and say find someone else. I guess sticking our heads in the sand is the best answer huh?

N. B. This thread is not about instant booking but about a pre-approval timer.

yes, that’s homeexchanging. Members are not hotels or professionnal airbnbs, it’s not a different mindsets. Sending requests is part of the game :wink: And you could do remove your pre approval a week after, it’s your choice, I don’t think you need an automatic for that, but the idea will stay here and be forward to the staff

I did place my vote for this feature. I do want the feature but also now know this is the canary in the coal mine for someone you likely don’t want to share your home. We had it happen again recently and the person thanked me as their life had exploded, as happens, and we dropped off their radar. No harm no foul, life happens. But it would be nice to now if life happens on my end, there isn’t a preapproval hanging out forever.

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my opinion doesn’t matter anyway, I don’t work for HE. But as long time member and ambassador and moderator on facebook groups for decades, I can assure you that 95% of members don’t want that, it was already discussed sometimes on facebook.

It’s the complete opposite of what HE is : not a booking platform for short stays like Airbnb. It promotes communication, respectful and slow travel, living like a local, and not staying in a second home with a instant booking with someone you don’t know at all. All the site guidelines and advices are the contrary of that, so I bet it won’t happen.

I don’t know where you see “a clear issue”. The site is working great and grows, there are things which can be improved of course, but instant booking is not one of them IMHO. And I collaborate closely with the staff and I know they feel the same…


It has nothing to do with ’ sticking your head in the sand’. You want the site to provide a solution to what is a problem to you because of the way you use the site. Many members don’t have this problem however because they have a completely different outlook to how exchanging should be organised. There is no way that I would consider allowing people to think they could ’ book’my home. I’ve done over 60 exchanges in 6 years. I’ve never had an issue with pre-approvals not being followed up with a rapid validation, be it as a guest or host. This comes down to how I organise and communicate with my exchange partner.
When I receive a request for my home I first reply that the request may be of interest to me and ask if the member wishes to continue the conversation with a view of reaching an agreement. I don’t pre-approve unless they confirm that they’re seriously interested. I then ask for more details about their request and ask them if they have any questions. Only then do I pre-approve and send a copy of my home book to ask them to confirm that they agree to my expectations before finalising an exchange.
As a guest I’m extremely wary of hosts who pre-approve before exchanging several messages. In my experience with what other members say these are the kind of exchanges that get cancelled at the last minute.
I’ve only ever sent a maximum of 10 requests before finding an exchange, I would have given up long ago if I needed to send 100 requests.