I think it would be helpful to have a way to limit the time (number of days, for example) that your Pre-Approval remains active. Ideally, this feature offers me (as the host pre-approving the exchange) the option to set a time limit on how long the pre-approval will remain in effect (and if a limit is set, automatically have the system communicate the limit to the guest). Maybe we start with a few choices from a dropdown list… for example, "keep active for… (A) 2 days, or (B) 1 week, or (C) 2 weeks.
I have had several instances recently where I pre-approved a guest for specific dates, weeks go by with no communication. I know I can go into messages and select ‘pre-approval’ to review. we all have busy lives. we get distracted and move on. But as a host, I don’t want to leave those pre-approvals hanging out there for if the other party ever gets back… often they never do.
Listings to show specific bed sizes would be helpful. Double size, could mean full, queen, or king. More specific details and to also be able to include these options when searching.
Thank you
Reciprocal Non Simultaneous Exchanges
Would be most helpful to have this added as an exchange type. Currently it’s only reciprocal or guest points. However, reciprocal only works if both parties know their travel dates. Non simultaneous needs an alternate option to show nights are banked for a later date. Currently entering as a guest point exchange and entering zero as the guest point total. Leaves the later guest with nothing in the books and no guarantee. This has happened to me a couple times and the guest I hosted hasn’t held up their end of the deal. This was the way HE informed me on how to enter these types of exchanges into the system. Another suggestion, if there was a way to enter as a guest point exchange but with another open ended exchange to be included for the later exchange that doesn’t have dates set yet. When those dates become known, a second guest point exchange could then be completed. But having this in the system gives both parties the guarantee. So basically the second guest has the exchange in the system but no dates. Like an IUO.
Thank you
Right now you can’t rate two parts of a reciprocal exchange separately. In other words you rate their home and their stay in your home together. This is not helpful and two distinct things to review. Please create an opportunity to treat this as a two part exchange.
An automatic message that says host is “out of office” or not responding for short absences that you could activate say for one week.
Would it be possible to put an exchange under discussion before pre-approval. To me it seems like pre-approval assumes acceptance of terms and I am never doing that without some communication.