Reciprocal exchanges: with or without GuestPoints?

Hello everyone!

One question that often comes up in our community is: Should GuestPoints (GPs) be used for reciprocal exchanges?

Which is totally a fair question! Letā€™s say my home is worth 200 GPs per night, and yours is worth 150 GPs. If we decide to do a reciprocal exchange, thereā€™s a difference of 50 GPs per night. What should we do?

At HomeExchange, members have the flexibility to decide:

  • You can finalize the exchange by transferring the GP difference to your exchange partner.
  • Or, you can both agree that the ā€œvalueā€ of the homes isnā€™t what mattersā€”itā€™s about the opportunity to enjoy each otherā€™s homes. In this case, you can set the GP difference to zero before finalizing the exchange. (This is what most members choose to do.) If youā€™re unsure how to do this, check out our guide: How do GuestPoints work for reciprocal exchanges?

Pro Tip: You can save time by enabling the ā€œFor a reciprocal exchange, I want my home to be set at 0 GPā€ option under your calendar.

If you prefer not to use GuestPoints for any reciprocal exchanges, you can activate this setting ahead of time. Once enabled, all your reciprocal exchanges will automatically default to 0 GPs. To find this option, go to My Account > My Home and look under your calendar.

We hope this explanation has been helpful! Feel free to reach out with any questions you might have.

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If you want your home at 0 is there any guarantee they will put their home at 0 if you check this box? I donā€™t check that box because if someone proposed a reciprocal exchange I would expect at that time to discuss no points will be exchanged.