Updated colors on the calendar 📆

As we announced a few days ago, you can now indicate your unavailable dates on your calendar to block them (meaning members won’t be able to contact you for those dates). For full details: [NEW] - October 2024: You can now block dates on your calendar!.

Initially, we chose the color orange to mark unavailable dates. Following your feedback, we decided to change this color (as many of you pointed out, it was too similar to the color used for reciprocal exchanges). Unavailable dates will now appear in gray—the same color used for dates when your home is unavailable due to a planned exchange. In other words, whether you mark a period as unavailable on your calendar or have a planned exchange, the relevant dates will now appear in gray for simplicity and to highlight periods when your home is genuinely available for contact.

These new colors are already live on the web. For the apps, they will be updated by early next week.

As a reminder, if you have checked the option “Members can only send me requests when my home is marked as available” in your contact preferences under your calendar, your calendar is unavailable by default. If you manually add an unavailable period, your contact preferences will be automatically updated.

Thank you again for your feedback and valuable comments—and a big thank you to my tech team colleagues for their responsiveness! :pray:t4:

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