When people contact me, I like to look into their profile and at their past exchanges and reviews to ensure that I am comfortable with starting communication with them. I have seen some people leave reviews where it would be helpful to get a bit more information from them as to why they didn’t “enjoy” their stay. Some reviews don’t have comments, just star listing.
Additionally, it would also be nice to have a hyperlink taking me to that person’s profile and their home listing. So if I am reading a reading a review on someone, I can click on that person’s photo and it would in turn take me to their profile and home.
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With Android you can click on the photo to go to the member’s profile, but not with iphone. You can go on the site online and do it.
Thank you for sharing! Yes, as Susan mentioned, it is possible to go to the reviewer’s profile on Android and the website
I’ll share with the team so we could also add it to the list of to-do for the iOS app.
And about your other suggestion, we try to get members to leave comments too as we also think that it’s very important to help other members decide if they are a good match but unfortunately, some members just prefer not to leave a comment
If you have suggestions on what we can do to better encourage them to leave a comment, I’d be happy to share it with the team!
Perhaps offer some points (50) for doing the review. I agree that it’s frustrating as I like to review our experience to give people ideas on the place and the surrounding area. I also make an assumption that if there are few reviews, there’s something wrong with the place…and that may be an incorrect assumption.
Yes, maybe an incentive for leaving a review. I am also of the same mind, if a person has 10 exchanges but only 2-3 reviews, I lean towards more that there was something wrong with the place and people prefered not leaving a review rather than saying what may have been wrong with their stay.
I went to the HE page on my laptop and yes I can click on the profile pic of someone who left a review but there is no option to contact that person to ask them why they left a negative review. Is there a way to message a person who has left a review?