Suggestions for HE about notifications

Good evening to all. For a long time I wanted to suggest some things to the staff that will make our life easier in Home Exchange!

I have disabled mail notifications for some notifications, but at the same time, I am not receiving notifications from the application for new messages. I don’t need the emails but I need the notifications from the app.

Sometimes I send for a second or third time to a place I’ve already been to. But I get the “I’ve been contacted again” notification. I’d like the option not to have this displayed, as it’s a completely new search.

A very important issue for me is that I get a lot of messages and I don’t have time to write down the dates I am interested in for the people who want to come. Is it possible that we could have a calendar in which, for example, it would somehow be indicated that on certain dates, for example, Giannis wants to come. without me having to search the messages every time, look at the calendar and see who wants to come and when.

Thank you for reading me!

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it would also be very useful to put a ceiling on how inactive the user can be. e.g. members who have not replied to a message or logged in over a period of 3 months, not to appear on the map


I understood this week that i didn’t see people responding to me because I deactivated email notifications for anwers. I thought I would still have the app notifications. I answered lately to someone partly due to this.
It would be nice to either have two parameters or to change its name to “email and app”.

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Exactly, this is something different, the app has to be with it’s owns settings

Hello.Is there any possibility of fixing ant of that?Especially notifications without emails?
Thanks in advance