On the former Lovehomeswap platform, good responders earned a higher rating. HE doesnot have such thing. Recently I asked about 20 members for a last minute exchange, due to cancellation. All members had possibilities on their calendar. Only got 4 standard reactions that they can’t make it work. So 75% of the members didnt react at all, while the last login date shows they saw my request. So 20 members with availability, 4 no’s and 16 nothings and 0 result. So had to book a airbnb. Very frustrating. Adding a response rate, maybe with some benefits, might help to get more response.
Hi, there is a series of factor considering response rate. I have already a topic about that in the forum with several answers, you may want to check it out. For me, it’s very important the way you are approaching other members. If I am receiving a template message with a request, I just don’t bother to see if I am interested in the destination. This platform is about trust your home to strangers. You have to show in your message, that you are trustworthy. I have been seeing messages like: !I’m interested in going to your city on dates X and Y. Are you interested?" Sorry, no. I don’t know why I can trust you.
I write only personal massages and mostly get template “no” or bo respons at all in respond. While calendar says the house is available. I have 5 star rating as a guest. I think HE should somehow transfer this in ratings
Absolutely ok