The HE platform is built on trust. It’s all about trust! We trust strangers in our home. But the trust is a two-way street. Trust requires transparency.
We need much more transparency regarding response calculations. I know there is an article that ‘explains it’, in a very generic sense, but that is not enough.
We need to see visually and at a much deeper level the actual, data behind the Response Rate and Response Time FOR EVERY Home Exchange USER ON THEIR PROFILE PAGE.
I just got another one today! I can’t tell you how many times I have seen this. A user responded to my request. I sent the request in Aug 2024. He responded today… 5 months later! The kicker… I go to his profile and it says “Response Time: Less Than 2 days”. I know these calculations are based on averages, but I have a hard time believing that these are all outliers. Help me trust you. Show me the data!
Yes, thanks. i did see that it is changing. I still think that my comments are valid. I know it is not about placing blame or pointing fingers, but the fact is that the current information as presented did not reflect reality. that can cause distrust. the way to gain back that trust is to be transparent. show us the data behind the result. show the calculation. i think it is pretty straightforward.
Hi Lane! We completely agree that there should be more transparency about how these are calculated I’m not sure about showing specific data about each member ask it could infringe on their privacy but we are looking for better ways to communicate about this with the new releases we’re working on