Hello. It is not uncommon to find some options where you can see hosts with a 0% response rate, no activity or no calendar availability.

Hello. It is not unusual to find some options where you can see that the response rate to requests is ZERO, or that they have not had activity in several years or that when you look at the calendar it is closed, meaning there is no availability in the next few months. Is there any possibility that they are discarded by the platform? I waste time searching. Another alternative is to have them appear on the maps with a different color, so that we know what it is about. I imagine that their memberships are not up to date.


I like the idea of the cutter on the card. Indeed, it would make it go faster. And then, when these people come back and are active again, they come back in the normal color…


I assume people not paying for a membership would not be on the site. A response rate of 0 would be different, not sure if there is a possibility for people to snooze their listing when life makes it difficult for them to host. I would not be in favor of anything that screens out people without availability for months because not everyone does a lot of exchanges every year.

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It’s relatively easy to filter the zero response rate houses out of your searches: just select the “Response rate > 80%” filter! That way, you’ll be shown only people who have been actively replying to their messages.

Screen Shot 2024-07-31 at 21.12.50

I hope that helps!


I absolutely support this idea. It is just too much of loosing time and staying on a platform with zero contribution


People not paying for membership are in the list of course, they do appear and they are the majority of the members.


@cyclorbit, Are you saying that the majority of the members are people that do not pay for membership??

Yes, the site has around 200,000 paying members but around 300,000 non paying members for the numbers I have ( old members who didn’t renew, New members who didn’t paid yet and inactive members)

it would be great if they were not shown when we search for a home.

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