Personalizing the automated reply button

Could there be a way for us to be able to write and save save some kind of automatic replies but written by ourselves, as we can do for instance in other websites, as for instance in (I’m not only thinking about being able to write and save my personal no thanks reply, but also a maybe at a later date reply or a contact me in a couple of months reply, or saving my written replay in different languages, etc) This way, we could send more personalised replies without having to write them every time.

You can write a text a save it on your phone / computer and just paste it when required. There’s no need to do it in different languages as the site message has a translation option.

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yes, I know I can do this, but I would certainly prefer to have the oossibility directly from the messages in the website. And I know they can use the translation, but it’s never the same.
Thanks anyway for taking your time to answer!

Missatge de Susan via HomeExchange Forum <> del dia dv., 8 de nov. 2024 a les 19:46: