Hello everyone I really like and enjoy HomeExchange, now I’m traveling with with home exchanging and it’s great
but we all need to expand this platform to other countries and continents like Asia, Africa and Latin America where there are few or very few options available
Like Taiwan, South Korea or Japan where there are only few houses available in all the country
Let’s do it, share the platform with your friends, online, and with everyone that would be interested so that will be more houses available in the future
Also the team at HomeExchange should do more advertising in those continents
Japanese people are not liking have people in their homes for what I read sometimes in the Facebook groups. In Africa a lot of people have no money to Travel . So of course it would be nice but for the site it would not be a good investment return to pay marketing there while there are still many people to convince in Europe etc
And about Japan, well there are 100 million Japanese so all type of people, can’t say that they don’t like home exchanging, also there are second homes that they are already renting so it’s just a nonsense comment
Of course I know , I’ve made myself exchanges in Morocco and trips to Namibia too, but speaking generally, not so many people could afford travelling, especially with rising costs of flights,cost of living etc.
It has been talked sometimes in Facebook group over the years, I don’t know the country myself but this is what people living there explain, that they generally don’t invite Friends in their homes but go out for dinner for example, and that they are not very open to HomeExchanging, except for expatriates people. Of course there are exceptions but numbers confirm that and were historically low in Japan (France has 70,000 members while Japan has 70…).
I don’t think there are any cultural problems that prevent HomeExchange to be more popular in Japan or any country. It’s just that was not promoted in these countries so people don’t know about it.
There are plenty of short rental houses in Japan and all countries, so those houses could easily make part of the HomeExchange too
There are thousands of shared rooms rentals only in Tokyo, so people don’t have any problem taking other people to sleep in their houses together with them.
I see now that the website is not translated in any of Asian languages so no surprise is not popular in Asia. In Japan most people don’t know English, same In Taiwan, South Korea.
The website must be translated in more languages urgently.
There is Crotian but not Japanese or Korean, Chinese