Exchanging with a non-member - Are HomeExchange Guarantees taken into account?

Hello :slightly_smiling_face: I’m a new member and I’m about to proceed to my first reciprocal home exchange. My concern is that it will be with a non-member without references.

  • List item
  • What should I be very careful about for a transaction of this type.
  • Will the HE guarantees will cover me, or both of us?

Thank you!

Hello, it isnt possible for a non- subscribed member to finalise an exchange. If you’ve agreed to an exchange you must have done it off site or without finalising the procedure on the site. If this is the case you wont be covered by any guarantees.


Thank Susan.
I won’t proceed offline.
So, if that non-member wants to exchange with me, he must become a member, right?

Yes, that’s right. If your new its always better to try to find your first exchanges with members that have some past experience.

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Make a lot of sense Susan. Thank you :smiling_face: