Sometimes I’d like to swap with someone but not at the same time (we have a second property that guests can come to even if we’re not going to theirs) and they might be going away at a future date when their place is available and we can travel.
Can you please add this option? Alternative is two organise GP and book two separate exchanges. Why use points if we want to swap home-for-home?
Why not just contact them through the site and explain what you want ie a non simultaneous exchange. These are quite possible to arrange you just need to specify the different dates for each party. Is there a restriction on this? We have done three or four where we just agreed with the other swappers the dates we would each do.
Yes of course you can work around it but I would like it to be an option hence me posting here.
It might complicate HomeExchange guarantee and you may not be covered because you’re travelling on dates not formally agreed upon on the site. What if one party cancels?
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HE will do their best to find an alternative placement. We ended up doing a non simultaneous amazing exchange to Australia where the exchangers went above and beyond to thank us.
Perhaps travel insurance might cover any losses incurred. Anyone else tried to claim for an exchanger having to cancel on an insurance? We have an annual policy but never made a claim. Perhaps others have experience of this scenario who could advise.