Availability Calendar: Specify Simultaneous versus Non-Simultaneous Exchange

Currently, there is no option in the availability calendar to specify that a home is available for only one of the two types (simultaneous or non-simultaneous) of reciprocal exchanges. One can only specify whether or not a home is available for a generic reciprocal exchange (colour-coded orange or green on the calendar).

I propose a change so that the member may specify the type of reciprocal exchange (simultaneous or non-simultaneous or both) which applies to the their home’s availabilty.
This would be useful for the times when a member is away from their home and it is available for other members to be a guest, but the host is not available to to be a reciprocal guest at the other home. There are several possible reasons, including: away on a GP visit elsewhere, staying at a hotel or bnb elsewhere, staying at friends’ or relatives’ home elsewhere, etc. However, the host would be available to stay as a guest at the requesting member’s home at another non-simultaneous time.

An easy way for a member to specify this on their availability calendar, would be to change the method of specifying the availability status of home by using “radio” buttons… this would be a list of the possible availabilities, and allowing a member to check as many of them as are applicable for each availability period:

  • Unspecified (currently “blank”, keep as-is)
  • Unavailable (currently gray-shaded, keep as-is)
  • Available for Guest Points (currently blue-shaded, keep as-is)
  • Available for Reciprocal Simultaneous (currently orange or green-shaded, change to orange-shaded)
  • Available for Reciprocal Non-Simultaneous (currently orange or green-shaded, change to yellow-shaded)
  • Available for all Exchanges (currently green-shaded, keep as-is)

By default, a calendar is set to blank (unspecified)| as it is currently.
If a user selects the “unspecified”, or “unavailable”, or “available for all exchanges” radio button, then the system would prevent them from selecting the orange, blue, or yellow button. Otherwise, the user could specify any one or two of the GP, simultaneous, or non-simultaneous buttons.