Respectfully, I would like to remind everyone of the pinned statement which explains the purpose and goal of the “Suggestions” category…
After all, HomeExchange is all about you! It’s your opinions and experiences that count!
The HomeExchange forum and platform may not be perfect (yet) , but we’re working hard to make sure they meet your needs. So, please feel free to :
** Let us know your ideas for new features, or anything we should optimize*
** Vote for the ones you like*
… this section is all about what you want from the forum and the platform!
In particular, I would like to emphasize the following statement:
Let us know your ideas for new features, or anything we should optimize
Some people, in response to a suggestion for an improvement to an existing function of the platform, are responding with a statement similar to the following:
this is the way the algorithm works
While this may be true, the point of the Suggestion Box category is to offer suggestions for changing the platform, including the algorithm, to make it work better. Sometimes, a suggestion is made because it turns out the member is not using the existing platform correctly or is unaware of how to use a particular function. By all means, it is helpful to help the member by explaining how to use the platform fully and correctly. However, a reply that “this is how it works, nothing can be done” is not helpful.
Anything can be done, given enough time and effort and expense. The question is to identify and prioritize the enhancements that should be done given the existing interest and the existing development and support team team resources. This is one of the basic principles of good Information Technology development and maintenance best practices, such as ITIL ( Information Technology Infrastructure Library).