I have seen people listing places with ONE BEDROOM with 7 or 9 people !!! I have asked the CEO - pls on renewal to ask for a PHOTO of each bed ( numbered ) and each room , seems people are bumping up beds for additional points. another option would be to “deduct” 10 points for each unused bed - if a house id worth 250 for 8 people and only 2 come - then 60 points would be deducted - hence people would not push up guest numbers for points !!!
I completely disagree with you on this. We are exchanging our homes, not ’ renting out sleeping space for guestpoints '. There is more to a home than the number of beds. Obviously members shouldn’t put 9 beds for one bedroom, but if noone accepted to exchange with them they’d soon learn!
I have a 4 bedroomed home ( listed as 3 as one room isn’t included. ) There are 3 double beds so technically for 6 people. If I receive a request for 2 people ( which is often the case) I feel no obligation to reduce the points because they aren’t using all the beds. They see what is available when they request my home. The number of points they choose to use is their business and noone else’s!
Would you expect me to remove 4 of the 6 dining chairs too? And should I lock access to one of the bathrooms and WC? Maybe I should remove some of my outdoor sitting and dining areas and just leave 2 knives and forks in the kitchen?
A good listing will show photos and give details of all the rooms and beds ( I detail the size of beds too). The solution is to only send requests for detailed listings that correspond to your search, then to communicate with the hosts about what your needs are. The solution isn’t to try and change the process for the good and successful exchangers amongst us because of others who are abusing the system.
Even if you received 40 points less for two guests - you would still give a substantial amount for your place but I have no issue keeping the existing system
I am agnostic to what solution is chosen - but am raising the issue of people “ adding “ beds for points only and no central control to manage a clean process for evaluating the property.
My home is estimated at 249 by HE but I offer it for 190-220. But that’s my choice, if I had to lower points for less guests I just wouldn’t offer it.
The solution for all the problems of too many beds, too many points, heating fees, hugh cleaning fees is for every member to apply the rules. Serious exchangers should only exchange with members that respect the rules. Unfortunately certain accept to pay high fees or high points in order to secure a prime location. I’ve never had a problem, but I select my guests and hosts carefully and communicate well.
Hi - If your house if evaluated at 249 and you are offering it for less - basically you are crediting people ( for whatever reason ) which with revised mechanism you would get same points ,
I suggested one off these options
A) Either photos of each room and bed on renewal
B) A small deduction for “lesser” use of the property ( less guests )
in order to eradicate the over inflation of capacity ,
ps also do not allow 0 Sq Meter as an option
I have seen a house in Provence, 70 m2, with sleeping for 8, hence 257 GP. There is only 1 room and 1 real bed. The rest is a loft/mezzanine with 4 modular sofa beds and floor mattresses, and a double sofa bed in the small living room, so 6 intotal all in one space, no privacy. This is clearly a cheat, playing the system!!
A moderator had posted that a crackdown (by home size) was coming soon … where is that at ?
Denis - Agree - lets start with a numbered picture of every room and every bed !
Bonjour SusanJbrn
I think that OdedM is trying to say is that some people are not fair.
I contacted a listing in Marseille with 2 bedrooms as set in my search criteria.
But there was a photo of 1 bedroom.
When i asked information about the 2nd bedroom, it does not exist.
It was the sofa bed in the living room.
Some people are cheating to get more points.
That’s a fact and what OdedM underlines is that HE should take actions.
Exchange is based on trust.