Pour faciliter la localisation des maisons ou ses propriétaires sont intéressés à offrir un échange de maison à 0 GP aux personnes qui aimeraient s’occuper de ses plantes et/ou animaux pendant leur absence, je crois que ce serait interessant d’ajouter au calendrier une quatrième couleur qui signifierait prendre soin de la maison, les plantes et les animaux de quelqu’un contre 0 guest points.
I think this is a good idea!
In a site I was member in the past (very past I have to say) there was this option as thik in the serch which ,add to the colour , can make easier to find if someone is looking for home/pet sitting.
Hi Monia, if you think it’s a good idea, you can vote it, so that the developers can know we would like it to be implemented. Thank you! Enjoy your day!
Sorry , I’m new to the forum, How can I vote, please?
Hello @Monia and welcome to the forum!
Feel free to also join our forum in English - just click on the little globe on the top right corner and select the English forum (this is the French one )
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