🎉 New on the site: a more modern listing photo display! 🎉

Now you can view the first 5 photos of listings without having to scroll to get a better overview!

Just as a reminder, people who don’t have a HomeExchange account will continue to see only the main listing photo and all the other pictures will be blurred.

Check out how your listing appears now!
Following this change, feel free to have a look at how your listing appears to other members by clicking on “View the listing” from your listing edit page.

  • Check that your photos are of “good quality”

  • Landscape photos are much more preferred (especially for th emain photo)

  • Add photos if you have less than 5 (otherwise, gray blocks will be displayed in place of missing photos.

Why this improvement?
This improvement is part of a wider project to further improve the reliability of the platform and listings, as well as the efficiency of the system in general. We’re taking the opportunity to modernize the site every step of the way!


It’s still buggued and not ready yet, don’t worry if you don’t see it


Scrolling photos gave you many views of the low resolution photos. Now you only get 5 views.

Selecting view all photos is something we don’t do on Home Exchange as most host photos have not been optimised for fast loading.

Home Exchange need to look into resizing and compressing photos when a host uploads them.

I’m finding that a lot of the photo’s won’t load now. Is anyone working to fix this?

HI, Garry from Perth (Au). I have a lot of blacked out images of houses I am viewing. (probably 3 out of every 4 images - seem not to be loading). Is this a bug or some platform issue? I checked with the chat and they recommended using Firefox or Chrome but I use Chrome …

works fine on my side. Check if Chrome is up to date, it could be the reason why you have bugs