hi greetings from Amsterdam! Happy HE’ers since 2019, have arranged 3 weeks Thailand via HE it was an unforgettable trip! Now we would like to take our 12 and 13 years old boys first time to London, but this seems to be a like finding a needle in a haystack! Impossible to find a house in London and I am looking already in greater London, and have already sent personal requests to around 50 persons). Someone explained to me that this week (local holidays is 1 week (and I am looking for just 4 days because we don’t have one week off from school) in that period. I find that simultaneous exchanges are very hard to find for us as it’s logistically hard to match the school holidays etc, hence looking for GP-exchanges. Any golden tips please? TIA
My suggestions
(1) Perhaps if you think you need to use GP you could offer to give GP for 6 nights (but plan to stay only four of them).
As if you are offering them only 4 nights and they are wanting to go away for the whole week (for the school “half term”) then you are offering them less GP than they are likely to need to use. So it is not very attractive to them.
In my case, we would not have accepted a request for four nights for our place that week in London for that treason. (someone has “booked” it for 6 nights that week).
(2) are you only looking in central London? Those places will be in mega demand. If you look out to zone 3-5 on the transportation map then you can still be in London quickly and you are more likely to have people say yes.
Thanks for tips! Managed to find an exchange by activating filter “members interested to come to Amsterdam “.