Hello from Piacenza, Northern Italy!

Hello, I am Antonella, and I love forums from the '90s :smile:

I live in the countryside at the foothills of the Emilian Apennines in the province of Piacenza. It’s a tranquil and less-touristy area, known for its excellent food, natural wines, and pristine, sparsely populated valleys.

I work as a copywriter and freelance local manager, fully remotely. This flexibility allows me to take my work with me during my exchanges around the world. I live both online and offline: rather onlife :nerd_face: :sunglasses:

So far, I’ve completed 22 exchanges and have 2 more finalized by the end of the summer. I’m a Libra, which shows in my swapping too: 11 times as a host and 11 times as a guest :sweat_smile:
My preferred one? Paris!

I happily host in my primary residence, ID 1953382β€”a 3-level open space. I am open to exchanges anywhere in Italy or Europe (the farther the destination, the more I prefer it to be reachable by train).

Additionally, I’m interested in immersive experiences in the UK and Western Canada (British Columbia) for a few weeks to enhance my English.

I am vegetarian, enjoy visiting farmers, and love cooking farm-to-table meals. I also like hiking and moving around with no fuel.

Looking forward to connecting with you and swapping our experiences!

This picture is of my surroundings: Do you wish you were here?


β€œOnlife” - what a beautiful thing! :heart_eyes: Nice to meet you here!

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