I really would like to be able to add captions to the pictures and can’t understand why it hasn’t been implemented as it’s really useful.
If you do think so too, please vote! Thanks!
I already suggested that here
Perhaps instead of telling someone that their suggestion has already been proposed months ago, a better response would be to simply vote for their current post? People don’t have time to read down through hundreds of past posts. There is nothing wrong with someone repeating a previously requested change. Maybe if multiple members keep repeating the same problem and recommended solution, then the HE Development Team might take notice?
Excellent idea! Sometimes there appears to be a mismatch between the description and amenities listed for the home versus the set of photos. Captions could clarify apparent mismatches.
I thought it would be handier to direct everyone who reads this topic, including you, to my topic, so that it get votes and there will be more votes. We both want the same. I didn’t mean that topic started should have read better, I am sorry if you took my post to mean that.