Hello to everybody.
Next july we are going to do our first reciprocal exchange. We are very excited and we want it to work perfectly .
I have a question…If we have things in the pantry, what do we do with them? Do we have to take them out? Can we leave them? I’m confused about that.
Our intention is to leave de fridge empty for our guest. But what about non-perishable foods such as oil, salt, pasta, etc…
Thanks in advance!!!
Bonjour GemmaBB
Everything stays in place when I exchange.
Even in the fridge where I put it in the bottom boxes.
Obviously no rotting food.
A cupboard is emptied for guests.
No money and no jewellery.
Don’t tempt the devil.
Hello. The best thing is to communicate with the people with whom you will make the reciprocal exchange and come to an agreement. On the other hand, do you wish that they eat those foods or not? By leaving a sign or a text saying: You can use the oil if you need it but please do not use the coffee, I think that is enough. Maybe: You can use all the perishable foods that are in the pantry. Communication is essential. There is nothing that is right or wrong. As they have said, there are things of common sense, and what generates doubts: informing about your wishes
We leave condiments, tea, and coffee for guests to use and homes we stay at usually do the same. Last summer I started providing a small carton of long-life milk for each group of guests so they could have a coffee or tea when they arrive. We also leave a bottle of wine, and little box of hotel toiletries that we’ve collected. Anything we don’t want used (the Glenlivet ) is moved to a locked cabinet, a very high cupboard, or a drawer that I put masking tape around, which is a simple ‘no entry’ indication. We’ve stayed at places where EVERYTHING was left where it was - food, clothes, toothbrushes! Like they just walked out the door. We had to clear a bit of space for our stuff, but tried to not move their things too much.
Mark anything you absolutely don’t want used. Leave a shelf or more depending on length of stay. I ask people to replace if finished, some people don’t ask this. I generally put most hard liquor away because that area could be on another level than parents and also some bottles are being saved for special occasions. Some people leave everything out. just be specific and discuss
We leave everything as is and tell our guests they can using anything they want. Of course, we try to use up most food before we leave so we aren’t leaving large amounts of perishable food. But I assume that a little bit of bread and milk and a few pieces of fruit might be welcome.