Sorting of favourites by country?

Hi HE’ers
Am I the only one missing being able to sort my favourite homes by category ie country?
I feel that would make things easier!


Hello Temples,
I completely agree with you, I also posted on the French version of the forum, with an even more comprehensive proposal: a map of homeowners who like ours, so that we can get inspired. There is also a post (still in French) for a sorting and ranking system of the favorites. A dream, indeed!
Patience, the forum is just starting, and everyone has to learn how to consult it and make the most of it.
Home Exchange, what a beautiful human adventure!

Here are the links to my places in the Dominican Republic:
Main house: Maison 3 chambres à Cabrera, Playa Grande, République Dominicaine
Appartment: L'appartement autonome de Nicole

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Absolutely agree! It’s very frustrating to have to scroll back through pages full, to try and find the one you marked for a certain destination. Changing this so you can sort by country and city can’t be too difficult!

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I would be very glad with this option too!
and that you -for example- can search only trough your favorite houses: who has open dates on the dates you want to travel. For me it does not matter a lot where it is, if I can be in a ‘good house with a home-feeling’
if you also can see on a map where you clicked (region) on favorite houses then making a trip would be much easier!

You can do that now. See 💥 New: search your favorite homes only (on the web only for the moment)