Rating evaluation

Hello, we have had an exchange recently. And we got 1 for cleanliness. I would like to ask people here whether that was right judgement to grade us as 1.

We have exchanged with the family for 2 weeks. They rated our quality of cleanliness with 1 star. Here is their complaint:

  1. We had grece in our and their kitchen countertop
  2. The bathroom was not cleaned
  3. There was a mess in the flat

Here is what we did:

  1. I cleaned our and their flats using vacuum and wet cleaning
  2. Toys might not be put in place, but we could not know how they were - kids just taking them from shelf
  3. The bathrooms were cleaned with the solution, but might be not 100% because I did it the first time

Overall flat was not a mess and to be honest I can’t even imagine how you can rate cleanliness as 1 as everything was clean and in place. Even if things were not 100% clean that should be 3, isn’t it?

Home Exchange support said that they cant impact the rating which is good from one side. But now it feels so unfair :frowning:

P.S. I am not arguing that cleanliness might not be 5 stars, but 1 star should be for real issues, isn’t it?

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I agree. With a one, I expect a very dirty place.

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Bonjour Pavlo,

1 star is really poor.
Could you look at the other reviews your host wrote to see how he rated the other travellers?

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Nope, other reviews are 5. I had a long conversation with them and the answers are the same. Anyway, I have what I need, I see other people agree that 1 should be an outstanding issue. Thanks in advance!