Launch into forum

Did anyone else get confused trying to get into the forum.
The link in the introducing me to the forum email took me to the same splash page as signing up to home exchange.
If you have the Forum as a separate signup then you need to have a different splash page IMO or confusion reigns.
Maybe add the words FORUM.
Or maybe it was deliberate ?

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Hi Cathy!
Hmm, that’s really weird… I just tried all the links in the email and they all took me to the forum. Could you let me know exactly which link you clicked on?

Yes, the splash page asks you to sign in, and then when you use your HE credentials it rejects you (because what they meant to say is: “Register here for the new Forum”) When you finally figure it out that you have to register to be in the forum and set up a new PW, it will email you confirmation. One of many confusing user experiences on this site I’ve found.

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