Is the standard to have the beds made up for guests or to leave guests to make the bed up themselves?

I recently completed my first stay in a HomeExchange home. Prior to this, I have hosted two sets of guests. Both times I made sure my home was pristine and the beds were made with fresh sheets. I was surprised when I arrived at my first home exchange for the beds not to be made in anticipation of our arrival. Please tell me what you have found to be the norm.

The norm is to have the beds made and the home ready for your visit. In 63 exchanges I’ve never not had beds ready. However this also depends on your hosts situation, maybe they had guests before you or it was a second home that they couldn’t travel to.

I’ve also never had my bed not made in al my exchanges. However, I do always talk about these things before we swap. I never take anything for granted and communicate about many things. Mostly I just ask yes - no - questions. :grin: This way, we all know what to expect and there are no surprises.

Hello Baybeekat

20 years ago, when i started to swap homes, the advice was to do the bed when arriving and strip it when leaving.

Very early, i discovered it was not the right way to manage.
It is very difficult to make the bed after an exhausting 24h trip door to door in a house you don’t know and where you don’t know the drawers.

So to avoid that , i have never been to a place were beds were not done but once and the host told us before arrival where to find the sheets.

I also prepared the beds once for the next guests because the host had no solution and sent her some photos.

WE once had made up our own 5 beds, to find we had to do 5 beds also at the swapplace. Since then we leave the bedding on the beds to have an early start. But when ther is enough time I do the beds. both sides should do the same