Ethical question about Canadian's response to Trump tariffs

As many of you are likely aware, the White House just hit Canada with a crippling and misguided 25% tariff. Canadian leaders are formulating a response and some of the strategies suggested to Canadian families include “buy Canadian”, “travel locally”. (which as much as anything means: don’t spend your $ in the USA until this is resolved!)

To the crux of my question - I have 2 shortish guest point exchanges scheduled for late March/early April in California (both homes are Secondary homes that are also listed on Airbnb). I’m thinking seriously of cancelling/postponing my trip to the USA until Trump drops the tariffs or at least negotiates some kind of settlement (he just effectively ripped up the one HE agreed to 8 years ago).

However, I feel badly about cancelling as it’s not the HE hosts in California that are responsible, but they would also be negatively impacted by my cancellation. (I also have a lot of fondness for the USA, having lived there for 10 years) Is it ethical of me to cancel the exchange and request the hosts to refund the Guest Points? Is there a way for the hosts to “bank” the points I’ve paid & then, after this tariff situation resolves itself, to rebook a guest point exchange using the “banked points”?
Or, is the fairest approach for me to just forfeit the GP I’ve paid?

Thanks for any advice/input. But please - I’m NOT wanting to get into a debate on the wisdom or fairness of the recent tariff’s, no politics please! Just to hear your thoughts on the ethics of my possible response.

Hi @DavidSouthern49!

Thank you for your interesting comments. I should think this will be a topic of great interest to lots of members as it seems that the US Government is planning to introduce tariffs to more countries in the following few weeks.

With regards to your exchanges, this really is something that is your personal choice. If it is something you feel strongly about and you choose not to go on your planned exchanges in the US then I suggest you speak directly with your hosts. Communication is always the best way forward.

As per the HomeExchange guidelines you wouldn’t automatically be entitled to any refund of your guest points as this would not be regarded as ‘major problem’ or ‘force majeure’.

You might find this FAQ post on the HomeExchange website handy:

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Thanks very much for your suggestion and insight Melissa.

Hi David, I totally understand where you’re coming from. Another suggestion could be to hold off on your trip to CA by asking the exchangers if you could come at another time, later in the year, next year, whatever works. Is this a reciprocal exchange - could you still arrange for them to come (go on a Canadian vacation at that time perhaps), and you go later to their place when you’re more comfortable? We live near the Canadian border and I hope to go spend some dollars in Canada!

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