I suggested to HE recently that there should be a way to ‘report’ people who completely ignore all the requirements you’ve stated on your listing. For example you’ve stated a minimum swap duration, or that you’re only looking for a particular city or country etc. The person would be warned about their actions and if they continue to send similar requests to people there would be sanctions (loss of GP, profile hidden or something). That would reduce some of the swap requests which for popular home and in popular seasons can be very overwhelming.
I totally agree. I am a new member, but the response rate metrics seem just fine to me.
I have already given the opinion that there are other improvements that are more important than revising the response time/rate score for each member.
But if this is already approved and being worked on, I suggest that there should be 5 levels of score, not the 4 levels currently proposed. The reason is that an “average” response score should achieve a score in the MIDDLE of the score range, that more correctly reflects the definition of “average”. But in the current proposal, there is only one worse score possible but two better scores possible. I propose:
Very Low
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