A More Reliable Response Rate Coming Soon – Share Your Thoughts on the Future “Reactivity Level”!

I suggested to HE recently that there should be a way to ‘report’ people who completely ignore all the requirements you’ve stated on your listing. For example you’ve stated a minimum swap duration, or that you’re only looking for a particular city or country etc. The person would be warned about their actions and if they continue to send similar requests to people there would be sanctions (loss of GP, profile hidden or something). That would reduce some of the swap requests which for popular home and in popular seasons can be very overwhelming.

I totally agree. I am a new member, but the response rate metrics seem just fine to me.

I have already given the opinion that there are other improvements that are more important than revising the response time/rate score for each member.

But if this is already approved and being worked on, I suggest that there should be 5 levels of score, not the 4 levels currently proposed. The reason is that an “average” response score should achieve a score in the MIDDLE of the score range, that more correctly reflects the definition of “average”. But in the current proposal, there is only one worse score possible but two better scores possible. I propose:

Very Low

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Brilliant!! Long overdue. 4 days is plenty of time to give some type of response. It would make holiday planning SO much easier and more enjoyable. I honestly feel that the platform shouldn’t be used if you are too busy to respond in the simplest way to a request. To me it just comes back to courtesy and respect for your fellow exchanger.

Thank you Kindly for considering this change.

Just a quick ‘no’ or ‘maybe’ takes 2 secs and allows you to move on to other options instead of waiting in hope that the host will respond. Out of respect to a future guest (and so they can plan their holidays with ease,) I always respond within hrs of a request.

Interesting points. I think the 4 day automatic no (for GP echnages) would work for a lot of people, but possible not for everyone. How about making that a setting, such as:
Automatic ‘No’ replies after:

  • 4 days
  • 7 days
  • 14 days
  • never

And leave the default to ‘Never’ - this way people that would like to use this feature can select to do so, and thereby increase there response /reactivity level.

No cause it causes problems behind for support, forgotten preapprovals, blocking New ones etc

The only thing I see this as really useful for is finalization. Initial contact not as much but if someone is pre-approved they should accept in 4 days. I don’t even know if that is a problem though.

Hi, great to hear you’re working on this. A few points from me :grinning:

Would it help if the platform blocked or notified the requestor when they make a request for dates that are either already allocated to another guest or blocked? This might reduce the amount of messages one has to reply to (and therefore increase the ability to actually meet the 4 day deadline).

I think reactivity level as a term could be improved. ‘Reactiveness level’ or ‘React Rate’

Side note - I wished I had better understood how to read the response rates as I would have saved myself a heap of time not wasted on sending messages to people that don’t ever reply. I think the lack of response really undermines the value of the HE platform and ideally these non-responders are either removed from the platform or a clear warning or banner is applied when attempting to try and contact them/make a booking.

My experience to date with guest points hasn’t been very positive. We are travelling to 5 countries in the summer and not one request has been accepted however we’ve had to vacate our home to earn points and pay the membership but for nothing in return. Better management of response rates would have been a good warning to me that e.g 20 listings in one town will most likely be a 1-2 response rate at best.
