Welcome to the HomeExchange Community Forum, the world’s first (and most beautiful) home exchange community
This forum is open to everyone, regardless of whether you’ve done home exchanges before or not. Behind this forum, there’s a whole team dedicated to making sure your discussions here go as smoothly as possible:
@Mathilde.HomeExchange is the guardian of our Forums (yes, “our”, as we have 4 in total: one in English, one in French, one in Spanish and one in Italian). Based in Paris, Mathilde watches over these 4 forums with a benevolent eye. Mathilde is a part of the HomeExchange team.
@Zann.HomeExchange manages the English-speaking forum. Originally from Singapore but based in Paris since 2015, Zann has been working at HomeExchange for 6 years now. Joining the company exposed her to this new way of traveling and she’s now got 44 exchanges under her belt.
Alongside us, we’re lucky to have several HomeExchange members and Ambassadors, who have agreed to give up their time to help us moderate this forum:
@SusanJbrn, HomeExchanger since 2018 and lives in Caen, France
@Etienne, HomeExchanger since 2013 and lives in Normandy, France
Make yourselves comfy and feel free to move from one “room” to another to ask your questions, share your experiences and chat - feel at home!