Dear members of the HomeExchange Community,
We are an international team with diverse backgrounds (Budapest Business University, Goethe University Frankfurt, Hungarian Dance University and University of Science of Malaysia). Three of us have been active and enthusiastic members of the HomeExchange Community for more than 5 years. Currently, we are working on a study which will be published in a special issue of Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes (WHATT), a journal that provides thematic reviews of the major challenges facing the tourism and hospitality industry today. The topic of the issue is Special Interest Tourism, and focuses on Budapest as a tourism destination. Beyond the case of Budapest, we would also like to better understand the key values and experience associated with using HomeExchange. We created a survey designed for all users of the HomeExchange platform, and we believe that we can have meaningful research results in the theme of peer-to-peer accommodation. Please find it here:
The survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete and we would be extremely grateful if you could fill it in, and also forward it to other users of the HomeExchange platform. All responses are confidential and will be used solely for research purposes. We plan to conclude our data collection by the 10th of November 2024.
Additionally to our survey, we would like to conduct short interviews (about 20 minutes) with fellow hosts in Budapest and with guests who have visited our city and chosen HomeExchange for their stay. In case you would be willing to participate, please contact us by email, preferably before the 31st of October 2024.
In the name of the team, a big thank you for your cooperation,
Ágnes Pál (
Associate professor at the Department of Tourism at Budapest Business University
HomeExchange member since 2018: