Maike from Hamburg, Germany says hi!

Hello everyone!
My family and I are huge Home Exchange fans from Hamburg, Germany and we can’t imagine any other way to travel anymore! We’ve completed 24 exchanges and have just been promoted to ambassador status. :slight_smile:

Our sons (6 and 9) love discovering new places, new toys and they especially enjoy taking care of pets during our exchanges. So far we’ve taken care of various cats, chicken, fish, a rabbit and a turtle. :turtle: :smiley_cat: :chicken: :fish: :rabbit2:
If only there was a filter to look for homes with pets! :slight_smile:

We’ve only recently put up a seasonal swimming pool in our garden and have updated our pictures after rearranging all our furniture and getting bunk beds for the kids.

We’re looking forward to two more exchanges this year in Italy and Spain!

And if you are interested in visiting Hamburg, see the huge ships in the harbour and the place where the Beatles started their career, if you love the water, musicals and interactive model train exhibits: We have an opening in our calendar this October 21-30 for a guest point exchange!

Check out our home:

All the best from Hamburg!

Hi Maike! Welcome!
If you are looking for half a zoo: Cat, guinea pigs and rabbits here to look after in Switzerland :sweat_smile:!

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Hi Andrea,
Euer Haus sieht in der Tat interessant aus! Ich habe es mal unter meinen Favoriten gespeichert. :smile:
Viele Grüße,

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