Greetings from the Green Mountain State of Vermont in the North East (New England) of the USA. We started homeexchange as a family of four but as our kids “empty-nested” us, we are now a travelling duo. I am Stacey and an RN working in school nursing and my husband is the director of a youth program.
We have 32 exchanges under our belts and are looking for more. We have thoroughly enjoyed the experiences and people that this forum has afforded us and are so grateful. I am looking forward to exploring the new feature of hosting a room. I hope this opens up some new opportunities for everyone. We love to travel to warm sunny spots in February/March so if you’re interested in a ski/snowboarding adventure in that window send me a message. We are open to consider any offers though as we are anxious to learn about all corners of this world!


Welcomeeeee :orange_heart:

Welcome here! If you are ever interested in Missouri our place is available. We like doing hospitality exchanges when we can as it’s so fun getting to know people! Happy Travels!