[Closed] Who will be your HomeExchanger of the year and why? ✨

Who will be your HomeExchanger of the year and why?

Flood this column with love, gratitude and thanks! :orange_heart:

How about publicly giving recognition to that exchange partner that’s left you with a lasting memory long after your exchange?

Whether it was the time you spent together over a shared meal, the warm welcome you received after a long travel day, the little touches or the friendship that grew out of your exchange, we’re giving you the opportunity to thank that person by naming them the HomeExchanger of the Year with the reason why they were so special.

Because home exchanging is first and foremost about relationships between people who have decided to trust and share with each other :pray:t4:

How to nominate your HomeExchanger of the Year

  1. Log in to your account on the forum or, if you don’t already have one, create an account.(Trying to log in with your HomeExchange login and password WON’T work, as the Forum is not linked to the HomeExchange database.)

  2. Go to the category ‘Community’ and then to the sub-category ‘Your HomeExchanger of the Year’.

  3. Click on “Create a new post”.

  4. Give your post a title in this format: “My HomeExchanger of the year is [Person’s first name] for [reason of your choice]” (e.g. “My HomeExchanger of the year is Anne, for the welcome meal offered”).

  5. Explain in your post why you chose this person as HomeExchanger of the Year, and tell your story! You can add photos if you like.

  6. When you’ve finished, click on “Create post”.

Important: please respect the nominee’s privacy by not sharing any identifying information. Please share only their first name (and if necessary, where they’re located).

Vote for your favourite story!

Among all the stories shared here, vote for your favorite (just to the left of the title of the post concerned, click on “Vote”!).

The HomeExchanger, along with their nominated member, with the most votes on 15 January 2025 at 15h00 (time in Paris) will be featured in our next Forum newsletter (and will receive a little surprise :wink:)!

Please note: a different story will be chosen for each of our three forums (English, French and Spanish). In other words, the same participant cannot be declared a winner on more than one of our forums. If a member decides to participate in more than one of our forums, and collects the highest number of votes with your testimonial in more than one of our forums, only one of his/her testimonials will be taken into consideration. In all, three HomeExchangers of the Year (one per forum) will be chosen at the end.

Don’t hesitate to spread the word, of course!

We can’t wait to read all your great stories :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: