Beautiful, historic home in Richmond, Va., September 9-October 10, 2025

Hello, I am Julie from Richmond, Va., who is a retired high school biology teacher (AP and IB) and now a snowbird in Sarasota, Florida where my partner Andrew has a home. After his retirement from the government in D.C, Andrew moved to Barcelona for 5 years. We now both now enjoy traveling, cooking, reading, and volunteering. When we travel to Spain this September, 2025, both of our homes will be available for a month September 9-October 10. You can visit each of them on Homeexchange: Julie’s “Awesome Historic Home in Richmond” (#1424185) and Andrew’s “Elegant Home in Sarasota, Florida” (#2165047.)

Right now we are searching for upscale, well-decorated 2 br homes in Valencia, Granada, and Malaga for our month’s travels during September 9-October 10, 2025. Please send a message to us as soon as possible if you have a (preferably secondary) home available during that time!

I’m excited to start meeting fellow Homeexchangers! Best regards, Julie

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